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Family office for self-directed investors

We are a movement dedicated to democratizing personalized wealth management, making it accessible to everyone, not just the ultra-wealthy.


We aim to democratize personalized wealth management, a service traditionally reserved for the ultra-wealthy.

We believe that:

  1. Financial superpowers should belong to everyone.
  2. The best quality decisions start from discussions with fellows, not spreadsheets.

In today's fast-paced world, managing diverse assets amidst constant global changes can be challenging. This often results in a sense of isolation and difficulty in making timely, informed financial decisions.

We advocate for a community-oriented approach that enhances decision-making and reduces the isolation often felt in financial planning and investing.

What we build?

We build a digital family office designed specifically for self-directed investors with liquid assets ranging from $300k to $5M. This app provides access to high-caliber services typically reserved for the ultra-wealthy, including financial planning, portfolio management, cash flow planning, embedded investment products, and on-demand concierge services.

Utilizing open banking, data science, and LLMs, our platform enables users to seamlessly connect their accounts for a detailed overview of both their public and private portfolios. Afterwards, the AI delivers actionable insights and access to partner products to optimize their financial performance.

Distinct from traditional private banks and robo-advisors, our platform promotes a community-oriented approach that supports better decision-making and alleviates the often isolating experience of financial planning and investing.


Entrepreneurs, employees of tech companies, and corporate executives whose assets are not adequately addressed by private banks:

  • They manage portfolios on their own and it’s not their primary job;
  • Have $300k-$5M in assets;
  • Hold diverse public & private portfolios in 3+ banks, brokers and fintechs;
  • Struggle to see holistic view of their portfolio in connection with market, country, inflation and currency risks;
  • Struggle with time and quality of investment decisions in such dynamically changing environment;
  • Feel lonely to maintain systematic approach to portfolio management & financial planning.


Lack of a holistic portfolio view

Independent investors are navigating a fragmented financial landscape with investments spread across various institutions, lacking a unified view of their portfolios.

Lack of time & isolation

Are you earning optimal interest on your deposits to meet your objectives? Prepared for a significant liquidity event? Are your investments shielded from country-specific risks? Often, superior alternatives exist beyond our immediate scope due to time constraints.

High costs and lack of neutrality

Traditional wealth advisors & private bankers often come with high fees and tend to promote their own products, prioritizing their interests over their clients'.

The rapid pace of market changes, combined with the complexity of managing diversified assets, poses significant challenges in making timely, informed decisions. This fragmentation leads to a feeling of isolation, hindering systematic financial planning and portfolio management.


In one platform, member use the software with the help of dedicated manager and expert community. We are harnessing the power of open banking, data science and LLMs. All that with a seamless execution, aligned interests and user friendly interface.

Our go-to-market and traction
What can we offer in 3 years?


How do we build trust?

Why Now

In the last five years, our clients earned significant returns investing in indexes & crypto as well as seeing their own stock options rise. However, the market becomes very overheated and eventually leads to recession. Independent investors feel stressed and need tools that not only keep pace with these changes but also offer strategic advantage and community support.

Trends and state of the market


The target market consists of independent investors managing assets between $300k and $5M, a demographic that includes millions of individuals globally. This segment is underserved by traditional multi-family offices and private banking wealth managers, presenting a significant opportunity to capture a portion of the multi-trillion-dollar wealth management industry.


While traditional multi-family offices, wealth managers and private banks represent the conventional competition, they often fail to offer digital, personalised, holistic and community-driven experience that independent investors seek. Our unique blend of personalized tools and community support sets us apart, offering a compelling alternative to these traditional solutions.

Business Model

Unlike the traditional 1-2% assets under management fee from traditional advisors, our revenue model is based on subscriptions.

You can join the community completely for free and get weekly digest, attend workshops and meet fellow members.

Paid subscription grants users access to much more: the family office tools and dedicated manager who help you to achieve your financial goals.

Additionally, we earn: a) referral fees by sharing a percentage of revenue with our partners. Our monetization strategy involves promoting financial and advisory products from third-party companies. Whenever users sign up for recommended products - such as deposits, insurance, investment funds, estate planning services and others - we receive a fee from these referrals. We utilize data to enhance the value we provide to both users and financial partners.

b) management fees by doing syndicates

Our acquisition is driven mainly via word of mouth with over 300 affluent members were onboarded within the last few months with 0$ spent on marketing.

Let’s chat

Book a meeting here. Check fff.vc for our product offerings.